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Ensign Carrie LionellRank: Ensign

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April the 14th in the year of our Lord 19 hundred and 85
Home: N/A (Lives on Ætherships)
Marital Status: Single, (but not by choice)
Height: 5ft 2in
Weight: 4 Stone

Physical description: Carrie is youthful, and slightly pale from her lifetime in space. She is quite beautiful however and is said to be the prettiest girl in the Æther Fleet (as far as we know) her dark brown hair is cut short at the neck for practicallity

Psychological profile: Carrie is naive and childish. The fact that she passed the academy is due to her intelligence and ability to hide her immaturity

Service record: Carrie Lionell is the result of having a mixed gender crew on a long assignment. She was not only the unauthorized result of the union of two of the crew of the HMS Reliant but soon just after he 5th birthday, the Reliant encountered a Romlian cruiser and both her parents perished in the resulting battle. A. K. Farnsworth, the Captain of the Reliant, by Naval law, became her Legal guardian as she had no other relatives. As Captain Farnsworth's ward she accompanied him on his ship assignments and was brought up on various ships.

Captain Farnsworth assigned her schooling to a host of officers under his command on every ship. She was exceedingly bright and was considered advanced for her academic achievement. Since the entirety of her known life was spent on British Ætherships she knows every thing there is to know about them

When Carrie reached the age of 14 Farnsworth was promoted to Commodore and assigned to Æther Fleet Command Headquarters in London. One evening while playing whist with Vice Admiral Shackelford, Commandant of Royal Æther Fleet Academy, Farnsworth made a wager, betting that his 14 year old daughter was intelligent enough to pass the entry exams within the top ten percentile. A fortnight later she took the exam and passed 3rd in a group of 212. The result of the wager was that she could attend Royal Æther Fleet Academy as long as she could maintain a ninetieth percentile. Four years later she graduated at the top of her class.



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