Neptune; domain of the Romlians. Upon first contact with the Romlians war was eminent. As soon as the Romlians discovered that the æthercraft was from Earth the ship was fired on. War ensued for 8 long years until a treaty was signed via interplanetary heliograph. Earthmen have never explored Neptune. Information about Neptune and its satellites is sketchy at best. The Ukp has learned through questioning Cartassian pirates that one of the major moons is referred to as Rom and that is the home planet of the Romlians. The Romlians inhabit at least three moons as well as several artificial satellites. Larissa is the domain of the Cartassians who have invaded and now occupy Miranda. The Romlian treaty provided a neutral zone that surrounds Neptune and encloses much of its orbital path. Romlians have not been spotted outside the zone as yet but reports from deep Æther missions have attributed some mysterious accidents and disappearances on Romlian meddling.