Ship's Galleys

C - Captain's Mess | K - Kaga's Galley (main/general crew) |
D - daVinci's (science) | S - Scapa Flow (gunners) |
F - Fulton's Mess (engineering) | Y - York's (Æther Marines) |
H - Horatio's Hall (officers) |
Most of the crew eat in the main mess hall named "Kaga's Galley" and are scheduled in shifts along with their messmates.
Provisions have been made for the officers and specific divisions of the crew to have private mess halls where the groups can develop a stronger bond with their work mates.
These private mess halls have taken on the air of a social club. Each mess is known by name bestowed by their members and is a rallying point for it's specific membership. The galleys themselves are but a collection of tables, chairs and food refabricators but the sanctity of their confines is their special appeal. These halls perform a valuable service, as they are an area where officers, warrants and some enlisted crew can interact without undue burden of rank. The relaxed atmosphere provides common ground for discussion, and familiarity that strengthens each duty section.
Captain's Mess:
Located on Deck 2 adjacent to the Captains Quarters. One of only two mess with a bar. On some ships the captain has hired with his own resources a full time bartender to man this important post.
Mess hall for Science Section personnel.
Fulton's Mess:
Mess for all Engineering Section personnel.
Horatio's Hall:
Horatio Hall is the officers only mess. Horatio Hall of course is the best appointed of these galleys and is situated in the forward section with panoramic view over looking the ship's forward battery. Horatio Hall is the only galley, excluding the Captain's Mess with a bar.
Kaga's Galley:
The main galley, or Kaga's Galley (Shown Below) as it has been named, is a large cafeteria-style dining hall where a selection of the day's bill of fare is available from a bank of automats. Enlisted crew also have access to rum or other strong drink through use of ration cards. As the main galley is in operation almost around the clock there is little time for cleaning or any manner of ambiance. The galley is normally loud warm and energetic with crewman laughing, joking or even singing a popular tune.

Scapa Flow:
Scapa Flow is the gunner's mess.
Yorks is the mess hall for Æther Marines.