
Æthermetrics is the true navigational center of the ship. The physical room is completely spherical, it's like being inside an armilliary sphere. The Æthermetric technicians take their positions in the center of the sphere. Mechanical indicators move about the sphereical walls and spectroholografic projectors display all manor of navigational information. They indicate planetary positions, nearby ships, Æther winds, turbulance, storms, magnetic effects, radiation and even adjacent ætherfauna.
When the Bridge navigator plots a course the ship will start to move in the general direction but that's when the æthermetricians take over. Using long-range sensors and navigational analytical engines the æthermatricians will make course corrections to avoid storms, ætheric effects, etcetera. Such course corrections will be implemented throughout the journey. Æthermetric technicians are among the sharpest officers in the fleet and many present captains made their way into command from this discipline.