The design theme for the ships of the Royal Æther Fleet was inspired by a retro/steampunk Star Trek Enterprise design created by Brad McClintok in 2000. The design was used as a basis for our ship designs with his approval (and surprise) that his April Fools Day / Fake Movie thread had become the inspiration for such an endeavor.
McClintok's Original Enterprise Photoshop and Movie Poster:
It was from these images by McClintok that Admiral Toboll began using Photoshop to create the Dauntless. Later, Sketchup was used to create the first 3D render of the Dauntless and subsequently the entire RÆF Fleet of ships. Since 2017, a few updated 3D renditions were created using Blender to expand on the details of the Sketchup version.
Admiral Toboll's original static 2D Dauntless using Photoshop (circa 2002):
First 3D Dauntless version using Sketchup v.2017 (2017):
Second 3D Dauntless version using Blender v.2.8 (2020) :
Third 3D Dauntless version using Blender v.2.9 (2021) :
Generation 4 Update using Blender v.4.2 LTS (2024) :