The standard Klinkon sidearm is the Interruptor. This energy weapon utilizes high frequency hyper luminary vibrations to disrupt matter. The name of the weapon refers to their affect on living tissue. When flesh is hit by interruptor fire the cells are ruptured from the inside causing a grievously painful and almost incurable wound. Æther suits are likewise affected as if they have been exposed to a high velocity sand blaster with its fibres and membranes vibrated to pulp. The effect on metal is rapid localized heating and metal fatigue.
There are two known defenses against interruptors. The first is anechoic gel. The gel dampens the vibrations and transforms the energy into heat, which is easily managed by the gel itself. The second is ærosol foam. A type of soft foam can be discharged in a particulate vapor or smoke that absorbs and disperses the energy of the interruptor beam. In an atmosphere an interruptor beam resembles a quick flash of yellow light. In a vacuum the beam is totally invisible.
Besides Klinkons the interruptor is used by others who desire a weapon with a terrible reputation for injury and pain such as pirates and anarchists.
Possession of an interruptor is illegal on all Ukp member planets. Interruptors are fairly easy to make but those of low quality suffer many fatal malfunctions. The best interruptors are of Klinkon manufacture and are known for their reliability and accuracy. Lately many of these Klinkon weapons have been flooding the black-market.
Interruptors have never been developed in a rifle or other infantry support format as the increase in damage is negligible. Most interruptors are powered by a hyper-voltaic stack usually fitted into the weapon's pistol hog-leg grip. The power source has an average capacity of 11 shots but is not modular like Blaiser weapons as the power system is capacitance matched to the emitter. This limitation is the reason many pirates carry multiple interruptors in their belts.